

SC 730

80c 06 Jul 92 Chelonia mydas

SC 875

50c 1994 Stylized Turtle Sheet of eight se-tenant stamps w/ longevity symbols. Three stamps depict highly stylized turtles. Issued to commemorate PhilaKorea '94.

SC 875 a

50c 1994 Stylized Turtle One of three stamps w/ turtles, from Scott Nevis 875. Stamp is in No. 1 position on sheet. Issued to commemorate PhilaKorea '94.

SC 875 d

50c 1994 Stylized Turtle One of three stamps w/ turtles, from Scott Nevis 875. Stamp is in No. 4 position on sheet. Issued to commemorate PhilaKorea '94.

SC 875 g

50c 1994 Stylized Turtle One of three stamps w/ turtles, from Scott Nevis 875. Stamp is in No. 7 position on sheet. Issued to commemorate PhilaKorea '94.

SC 934

50c 01 Sep 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Sheet of sixteen different stamps forming a unified design. Turtle on one stamp only.

SC 934 l

50c 01 Sep 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Nevis 934.

SC 935

$5 01 Sep 95 Eretmochelys imbricata s/s w/ turtle in border of sheet. No turtle on stamp. Nassau grouper on stamp.

SC 1258

$1.60 31 Jan 01 Inscribed "Box Turtle" One of two panes of six se-tenant $1.60 stamps issued on the same date. Turtle on one pane only. Turtle is definitely not a Terrapene species. Pane inscribed "Garden of Eden". Turtle MAY be Cuora flavomarginata (see Pritchard: Ency. of Turtles, pg. 316).

SC 1258 f

$1.60 31 Jan 01 Inscribed "Box Turtle" Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Nevis #1258. Large turtle on land facing left; definitely not a Terrapene species. MAY be Cuora flavomarginata (see Pritchard: Encyclopedia of Turtles, pg. 316).

SC 1304

$5.00 26 Aug 02 Unidentified Sea Turtle Ecotourism sheet of one shows diver (on stamp) w/ turtle swimming towards her (in selvedge). Sheet inscribed "Ecotourism".

SC 1418

$1.20 10 Jan 05 Unidentified Sea Turtle Sheet of four $1.20 stamps w/ two lizards, a frog and a snake. Large sea turtle in margin of sheet. No turtles on stamps. Sheet inscribed "Reptiles of the Caribbean".

SC 1419

$5.00 10 Jan 05 Eretmochelys imbricata S/S of one stamp. Turtles on stamp and on margin of sheet. Inscribed "Reptiles of the Caribbean".

SC 1426

30c 10 Jan 05 Dermochelys coriacea Child's painting of adult turtle swimming to left. Incorrectly identified on stamp as a hawksbill turtle. Artist: Leon Silcott.

SC 1427

90c 10 Jan 05 Eretmochelys imbricata Child's painting of adult turtle swimming to left. Artist: Kris Liburd.

SC 1428

$1.20 10 Jan 05 Dermochelys coriacea Child's painting of adult turtle, covered w/ white spots, swimming to right. Incorrectly identified on stamp as a hawksbill turtle. Artist: Alice Webber.

SC 1429

$5 10 Jan 05 Stylized Sea Turtle Dorsal view of stylized turtle swimming to left, w/ patterned shell of black, white, and green. Artist: Jeuaunito Huggins.

SC 1496

$6 01 May 07 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of one stamp issued for the 2007 Cricket World Cup. Large map of Caribbean Sea in center of sheet and flags of sixteen Caribbean nations in margins. Sheet inscribed in red: "The Caribbean welcomes the Cricket World Cup 2007". Small turtle on the Coat-of-Arms which appears on the Cayman Is. flag.

SC 1702

$3.00 14 Nov 11 Caretta caretta Mini sheet of four stamps that depict three lizards and one snake. Large turtle in right margin of sheet. No turtles on stamps. Sheet inscribed "Reptiles of the Caribbean".

SC 1748

$3.25 03 Jun 13 Various M/S titled Turtles of the World with four stamps each with a different turtle, Gopherus agassizii, Pelomedusa subrufa, Pseudemys nelsoni, Trachemys scripta elegans

SC 1749

$9 03 Jun 13 Terrapene carolina major M/S titled Turtles of the World with one stamp showing Gulf Coast box turtle

SC 1867

$3.15 24 Mar 15 Caretta caretta M/S with 6 Loggerheads.

SC 1868

$10 24 Mar 15 Caretta caretta M/S with one Loggerhead.

SC 1933

$4 04 Dec 17 Chelonia mydas Inhabitants of Coral Reefs m/s

SC 1935

$12 04 Dec 17 Chelonia mydas Inhabitants of Coral Reefs m/s

SC 1980, SC 1981

Various 20 Dec 18 Chelonoidis carbonariis M/s of 4 stamps and M/s of one stamp.

SC 2009

$14  2 Nov 20  Chelonia mydas  Turtle in selvedge of Starfish m/s

SC 2022

$5.50  20 Jan 2021  Chelonia mydas  M/s of 4 sea turtles 

SC 2023

$8  20 Jan 2021  Chelonia mydas  M/s of 2 sea turtles