SC 1415 | 50ce 30 Mar 92 Kinixys erosa | |
SC 1420 | 400ce 30 Mar 92 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 1422 | 600ce Mar 1992 Unidentified Turtle s/s w/ a turtle. | |
SC 1630 | 50c 24 Jan 94 Stylized Turtle Turtle and snake on a handcrafted pot w/ lid. Design identical to Scott Ghana #1640a. | |
SC 1640 | Various 24 Jan 94 Stylized Turtle S/S w/ four values (100, 250, 350, & 500c). The 100c value (Scott Ghana #1640a) has the turtle. | |
SC 1640 a | 100c 24 Jan 94 Stylized Turtle One of four stamps on a s/s (Scott Ghana #1640). Depicts a turtle and a snake on a handcrafted pot w/ a lid. Design identical to Scott Ghana #1630. | |
SC 1770 | 100c 9 Dec 94 Stylized Turtle Single stamp from set of 6 Relics with Landmarks. |