

SC 1757

4cor 05 Feb 89 Unidentified Sea Turtle

SC 2041

1.50 cor 01 Sep 94 Archelon sp. Sheet of sixteen stamps, most of which show gaudily-colored dinosaurs. Sheet is inscribed "Dinosaurios Nicaragua".

SC 2041 n

1.50 cor 01 Sep 94 Archelon sp. Single stamp depicting Archelon from Scott Nicaragua 2041.

SC 2053

2 cor 31 Oct 94 Chelydra serpentina s/s of 16 se-tenant stamps forming a unified design. One has a turtle. Inscription on stamp is "Tortuga Lagarto".

SC 2053 n

2 cor 31 Oct 94 Chelydra serpentina Single stamp w/ turtle from Scott Nicaragua 2053. Inscription on stamp is "Tortuga Lagarto".

SC 2205

2.00cor 15 Mar 99 Geochelone carbonaria Se-tenant sheet of twelve stamps, including one tortoise. Inscribed "Fauna de America Central".

SC 2205 i

2.00cor 15 Mar 99 Geochelone carbonaria Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Nicaragua 2205.

SC 2278

C$6.00 01 Jun 99 Archelon Sheet of six stamps w/ Archelon in right margin. One stamp on this sheet (#2278f) depicts a Placochelys, which looks superficially like a turtle but is not related to turtles.

SC 2334

6cor 22 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricate Adult swimming right. From four value Marine Life set.

SC 2337

7.50cor 22 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricata Pane 2 of two panes of six se-tenant 7.50 cor stamps each, issued this date. Sea turtles on two stamps of this pane only. Pane inscribed "Emision Vida Marina".

SC 2337 a

7.50cor 22 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricata From Scott Nicaragua 2337. Inscribed "Tortuga Pico de Halcon".

SC 2337 d

7.50cor 22 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricata From Scott Nicaragua 2337. Inscribed "Tortuga de Carey".

SC 2386

C$12.00 12 Sep 02 Unidentified Chelonian S/S w/ one stamp/. Sheet shows native people watching European ships appear on horizon. Small turtle on stamp. Inscribed 1502/2002. Issued for 500th Anniv. of Colombus' arrival.

SC 2464

C$ 25.00 2005 Lepidochelys olivacea Small s/s of one stamp. Adult on beach facing right, promontory in background. Both stamp and sheet inscribed "Fauna en Peligro de Extincion".

SC C 799

1cor 16 Sep 72 Pottery Figurine This MAY be a turtle. It appears very similar to Kawa Bowls which are carved bowls from Samoa which represent turtles. Compare to turtle figurine on Cambodia SC 1921.

SC C 969

90c 7 Apr 80 Caretta caretta Three red o/p's as follows: (1) "1979 ANO DE LA LIBERACION" in upper left, (2) five olympic rings and the words "PARTICIPACION NICARAGUA OLIMPIADAS 1980" in lower right, and (3) monogram in lower left.

SC C 969A

$2.00 7 Apr 80 Dermochelys coriacea Three red o/p's as follows: (1) "1979 ANO DE LA LIBERACION" in upper left, (2) five olympic rings and the words "PARTICIPACION NICARAGUA OLIMPIADAS 1980, in lower right, and (3) monogram in lower left.

SC C 969B

$2.20 7 Apr 80 Lepidochelys kempii Three red o/p's as follows: (1) "1979 ANO DE LA LIBERACION" in upper left, (2) five olympic rings and the words "PARTICIPACION NICARAGUA OLIMPIADAS 1980" in lower right, and (3) monogram in lower left.

SC C 969C

$10.00 7 Apr 80 Eretmochelys imbricata Three red o/p's as follows: (1) "1979 ANO DE LA LIBERACION" in upper left, (2) five olympic rings and the words "PARTICIPACION NICARAGUA OLIMPIADAS 1980" in lower right, and (3) monogram in lower left.

SC C 970C

$5 & $15 03 May 80 D. coriacea & C. mydas s/s w/ two stamps; a $5.00 Dermochelys coriacea and a $15.00 Chelonia mydas. There are two o/p's on each stamp and two additional o/p's on the sheet outside of the stamps. The o/p's on each stamp are the same: (1) the blue words "1979 ANO DE LA LIBERACION" in the upper left, and (2) five red olympic rings and the words "PARTICIPACION NICARAGUA OLIMPIADAS 1980" in the lower right. The o/p's on the sheet outside the stamps are: (1) the red words "1979 ANO DE LA LIBERACION" near the center of the sheet, and (2) a black serial number in the lower left. .

SC C 975

90c 15 May 81 Caretta caretta Two red o/p's as follows: (1) "1980 ANO DE LA ALFABETIZACION" in upper left, and (2) monogram in lower right.

SC C 975A

$2.00 15 May 81 Dermochelys coriacea Two red o/p's as follows: (1) "1980 ANO DE LA ALFABETIZACION" in upper left, and (2) monogram in lower right.

SC C 975B

$2.20 15 May 81 Lepidochelys kempii Two red o/p's as follows: (1) "1980 ANO DE LA ALFABETIZACION" in upper left, and (2) monogram in lower right.

SC C 975C

$10.00 15 May 81 Eretmochelys imbricata Two red o/p's as follows: (1) 1980 ANO DE LA ALFABETIZACION" in upper left, and (2) monogram in lower right.

SC C 975D

$20.00 15 May 81 Chelonia mydas s/s w/ three o/p's on the stamp and three o/p's on the sheet outside the stamp. The three o/p's on the stamp are: (1) a revaluation to $5.00, (2) five silver olympic rings and a tower-like symbol in upper left, and (3) the words "PARTICIPACION NICARAGUA OLIMPIADAS 1980" in lower right. The three o/p's on the sheet outside the stamp are: (1) the words "1980 ANO DE LA ALFABETIZACION" near the center of the sheet, (2) a monogram in the lower right, and (3) a serial number in the lower left.

SC C 1034

$2.50 10 Dec 82 Eretmochelys imbricata Genus name is misspelled on this stamp.

SG 2234

$20.00 17 Aug 79 Chelonia mydas s/s w/ Chelonia mydas on the stamp and additional turtles in margin. No o/p's on either the stamp or the margin of the sheet.

90c Caretta caretta No o/p. See Nicaragua SC C 969. According to the SG catalog, these stamps were never issued w/o o/p's, but some are in circulation.

$2.00 Dermochelys coriacea No o/p. See Nicaragua SC C 969A. According to the SG catalog, these stamps were never issued w/o o/p's, but some are in circulation.

$2.20 Lepidochelys kempii No o/p. See Nicaragua S C 969B. According to the SG catalog, these stamps were never issued w/o o/p's, but some are in circulation.

$10.00 Eretmochelys imbricata No o/p. See Nicaragua SC C 969C. According to the SG catalog, these stamps were never issued w/o o/p's, but some are in circulation.

$5 & $15 17 Aug 79 D. coriacea & C. mydas s/s w/ two stamps; a $5.00 Dermochelys coriacea and a $15.00 Chelonia mydas. No o/p's on either the stamps or the sheet. Never issued without overprints.