

SC 44

40p 22 Mar 51 Unidentified Chelonian Detail from tablet "Founding of Tel Aviv. Tiny turtle near bottom of detail, above the letter "L" in the word "Israel". Issued for 40th Anniv. of the founding of Tel Aviv.

SC 398

0.60 13 Aug 69 Stylized Tortoise Tiny tortoise on roof of cabin of Noah's Ark. Tortoise cannot be seen clearly w/ naked eye.

SC 1368

1.20s 22 Jun 99 Turtle Puppet Depicts a puppet chelonian named Batz, from a children's TV show.

SC 1368 a

Various 22 Jun 99 Turtle Puppet Se-tenant strip of three stamps (Scott Israel 1366-1368). Turtle on one stamp only. Puppet from children's TV show.

SC 1438

2.50s 18 Mar 01 Testudo graeca Large tortoise's head at top of stamp, anterior half of tortoise near bottom. From four value set: Wild Animals in Israel.

SC 1438 a

Various 18 Mar 01 Testudo graeca Booklet containing two complete sets of the "Wild Animals in Israel" issues plus small silouhette of tortoise on front cover plus colored picture of tortoise on back cover plus nine tortoises on selvedge of booklet pane. Scott's number 1438a refers to the booklet pane only, not the complete booklet w/cover.

SC 1708

2.25sh 05 Dec 07 Mauremys caspica Sheet of nine se-tenant stamps w/ three attached tabs. Three identical stamps on the sheet depict a turtle basking on a log w/ white pelicans in the background. Issued for the Hula Nature Reserve. The Scott number (1708) actually refers to any of three identical, horizontal strips of three stamps each from the sheet of nine.

SC 1708 a

2.25sh 05 Dec 07 Mauremys caspica Any one of the three individual, identical stamps w/ a turtle from Scott Israel #1708. Issued for the Hula Nature Reserve.

Page from booklet containing SC 1708

Page from booklet containing SC 1708

Page from booklet containing SC 1708

Page from booklet containing SC 1708

Page from booklet containing SC 1708

Page from booklet containing SC 1708

SC 1710

2.25sh 05 Dec 07 Mauremys caspica Single serpentine, die-cut stamp from booklet, w/ same design as Scott Israel #1708a. Issued for the Hula Nature Reserve.

SC 1711 a

2.25sh 05 Dec 07 Mauremys caspica Booklet pane containing two Scott #1710's. Issued for the Hula Nature Reserve.

SC 1712

2.25sh 05 Dec 07 Unidentified Tortoises Sheet w/ six stamps and four lateral tabs forming a unified scene of animals leaving Noah's Ark. Two tortoises in lower right corner of sheet, one on tab and one partly on tab and partly in sheet margin. Sheet inscribed "Noah's Ark" "Israel" and "2008" despite the fact that the sheet was issued on 5 Dec 07.

SC 1960

3.00 NIS 12 Dec 12 Testudo graeca Sheet containing two copies each of three different stamps, one of which is Testudo graeca, Mediterranean Spur-thighed Tortoise. These are part of the Wildlife Conservation series. Additional tortoises in the selvedge. Scott number is for the strip of three.

SC 1960 a

3.00 NIS 12 Dec 12 Testudo graeca Single stamp from the strip of three.

SC 2096

2.30NIS Various 9 Feb 16 M/s with four marine turtles, Erytmochelys imbricata, Dermochelys coriacea, Chelonia mydas, Caretta caretta.

SC 2319, SC 2320

2.60NIS 28 Jun 22  Unidentified sea turtle  Sheet of 8 stamps, turtle in bottom selvedge. Sheet not mentioned by Scott.


10 lirot Stylized Turtle Postal Savings Stamp.


Variable 01 Jan 12 Chelonia mydas Turtle swimming three-quarters left near center of horizontal stamp. Fish on left and porpoise on right. Machine vended stamps on which the denomination is printed at the time of purchase. Available in at least eight different denominations.


Variable 26 Jun 12 Chelonia Mydas Turtle on the beach facing left. Head of another turtle facing right. Machine vended stamps on which the denomination is printed at the time of purchase. Available in at least eight different denominations.

2.00 NIS 04 Sep 12 Chelonia mydas Souvenir Leaf issued for Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research 45th Anniversary. Endangered sea creatures. Green sea turtle on stamp and in the selvedge as well.