SC 69 | 0.25p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. Imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 70 | 0.50p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 71 | 1p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 72 | 1.5p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 73 | 2p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 74 | 2.5p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 75 | 3p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 76 | 6p 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 77 | 1sh 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 78 | 2sh 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 79 | 5sh 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 80 | 10sh 05 Dec 32 C. mydas & E. imbricata Chelonia mydas is on the left and Eretmochelys imbricata is on the right. | |
SC 90 | 2.5p 01 Jan 36 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 92 | 6p 01 Jan 36 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 95 | 5sh 01 May 35 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 104 | 2p 16 Jul 43 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle on beach w/ palm trees. Same as #104a but perf. 12.5. | |
SC 104 a | 2p 05 May 38 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle on beach w/ palm trees. Same as #104 but perf. 11.5 x 13. | |
SC 107 | 6p 1943 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle on beach w/ palm trees. Same as #107a but perf. 12.5. | |
SC 107 a | 6p 1938 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle on beach w/ palm trees. Same as #107 but perf. 11.5 x 13. | |
SC 111 | 10sh 1938 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle on beach w/ palm trees. Same as #111a but perf. 12.5. | |
SC 111 a | 10sh 1943 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle on beach w/ palm trees. Same as #111 but perf. 14. | |
SC 124 | 1p 02 Oct 50 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 131 | 1sh 02 Oct 50 Turtle "Crawl" Stamp depicts a turtle "crawl", (a pen for holding sea turtles). | |
SC 137 | 1p 07 Jul 54 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 145 | 1sh 21 Feb 55 Turtle "Crawl" Stamp depicts a turtle "crawl", (a pen for holding sea turtles). | |
SC 149 | 1 pound 06 Jan 59 C. mydas & E. imbricata | |
SC 151 | 2.5 poun 04 Jul 59 Unidentified Sea Turtle The turtle is on the Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 152 | 1sh 04 Jul 59 Unidentified Sea Turtle The turtle is on the Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 159 | 4p 28 Nov 62 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 166 | 10sh 28 Nov 62 Unidentified Sea Turtle The turtle is on the Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 194 | 6p 01 Dec 67 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 223 | 10sh 05 Jun 69 Unidentified Sea Turtle The turtle is on the Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 240 | $1 08 Sep 69 Unidentified Sea Turtle Scott Cayman Islands #223 o/p in black: "C-DAY 8th September 1969" plus the new denomination of $1. | |
SC 275 | $1 08 Sep 70 Unidentified Sea Turtle The turtle is on the Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 283 | 5c 28 Jan 71 Trachemys stejnegeri Diamond shaped stamp. | |
SC 284 | 7c 28 Jan 71 Chelonia mydas Diamond shaped stamp. | |
SC 285 | 12c 28 Jan 71 Eretmochelys imbricata Diamond shaped | |
SC 286 | 20c 28 Jan 71 Sea Turtle Farm Diamond shaped stamp. | |
SC 297 | 2c 10 Jan 72 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 298 | 10c 10 Jan 72 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 299 | 40c 10 Jan 72 Chelonia mydas | |
SC 303 a | 15 Aug 72 Unidentified Sea Turtle s/s w/ turtle in Cayman Coat-of-Arms in border of sheet. | |
SC 304 | 12c 20 Nov 72 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 305 | 30c 20 Nov 72 Eretmochelys imbricata | |
SC 308 | 15c 15 Jan 73 Eretmochelys imbricata Turtle is on a 10c coin pictured on the stamp. | |
SC 309 a | 15c 15 Jan 73 Eretmochelys imbricata s/s w/ #308 on it, plus another sea turtle on Coat-of-Arms in border of sheet. | |
SC 335 | 6c 01 Aug 74 Chelonia mydas Blackbeard, the Pirate, standing on beach w/ one foot on turtle. | |
SC 344 | $1 01 Aug 74 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle is on Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 344 a | $1 19 Oct 77 Unidentified Sea Turtle Same as #344, but issued at a later date and w/ a different watermark. | |
SC 347 C | $1.00 30 Jul 80 Unidentified Sea Turtle Similar to Scott Cayman Islands #344 & 344a, but slightly smaller and w/ different watermark. | |
SC 372 * | 10c 29 May 76 Stylized Turtle Sheet of five Cayman Islands 372's w/ turtle in selvedge. * Sheet is footnoted by Scott but no separate number is assigned. No turtles on individual stamps. | |
SC 373 * | 15c 29 May 76 Stylized Turtle Sheet of five Cayman Islands 373's w/ turtle in selvedge. * Sheet is footnoted by Scott but no separate number is assigned. No turtles on individual stamps. | |
SC 374 * | 20c 29 May 76 Stylized Turtle Sheet of five Cayman Island 374's w/ turtle in selvedge. * Sheet is footnoted by Scott but no separate number is assigned.No turtles on individual stamps. | |
SC 375 * | 25c 29 May 76 Stylized Turtle Sheet of five Cayman Island 375's w/ turtle in selvedge. * Sheet is footnoted by Scott but no separate number is assigned. No turtles on individual stamps. | |
SC 376 * | 30c 29 May 76 Stylized Turtle Sheet of five Cayman Island 376's w/ turtle in selvedge. * Sheet is footnoted by Scott but no separate number is assigned. No turtles on individual stamps. | |
SC 376 a | Various 29 May 76 Stylized Turtle s/s w/ 5 stamps and a label commemorating U.S. bicentennial. Turtle is in border of sheet. | |
SC 423 | 15c 05 Feb 79 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on Coat-of-Arms on tail of airplane. | |
SC 425 | 30c 05 Feb 79 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on Coat-of-Arms on tail of airplane. | |
SC 428 | 20c 15 Aug 79 C. mydas & E. imbricata This stamp pictures another stamp (Cayman Islands #149) which has the turtles on it. | |
SC 461 | $2 09 Dec 80 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle is on Cayman Coat-of-Arms. No date imprint on this stamp. | |
SC 461 a | $2 14 Jun 82 Unidentified Sea Turtle Same as Cayman Islands #461 but inscribed "1982". | |
SC 461 c | $2 1985 Unidentified Sea Turtle Same as Cayman Islands #461 but inscribed "1985". Month and day of issue not listed by Scott. | |
SC 470 | 50c 16 Jun 81 Trachemys stejnegeri The subspecies of the turtle pictured is "granti". | |
SC 498 | 3c 09 Nov 82 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle is on Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 500 | 20c 09 Nov 82 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle is on Cayman Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 509 a | 15 Feb 83 Unidentified Sea Turtle s/s w/ turtle in Coat-of-Arms in border of sheet. | |
SC 511 | 15c 14 Mar 83 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on Coat-of-Arms on flag. Inscribed "Commonwealth Day 1983". | |
SC 555 | 5c 21 Apr 86 Unidentified Sea Turtle Cayman Coat-of-Arms on se-tenant tab in gutter between gutter pairs. No turtle on stamp. | |
SC 556 | 10c 21 Apr 86 Unidentified Sea Turtle Cayman Coat-of-Arms on se-tenant tab in gutter between gutter pairs. No turtle on stamp. | |
SC 557 | 25c 21 Apr 86 Unidentified Sea Turtle Cayman Coat-of-Arms on se-tenant tab in gutter between gutter pairs. No turtle on stamp. | |
SC 558 | 50c 21 Apr 86 Unidentified Sea Turtle Cayman Coat-of-Arms on se-tenant tab in gutter between gutter pairs. No turtle on stamp. | |
SC 559 | $1 21 Apr 86 Unidentified Sea Turtle Cayman Coat-of-Arms on se-tenant tab in gutter between gutter pairs. No turtle on stamp. | |
SC 643 | 80c 11 Dec 91 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 666 | 15c 30 Sep 93 Unidentified Sea Turtle Se-tenant strip of five different stamps (all 15c). One depicts a sea turtle and yachts. | |
SC 666 a | 15c 30 Sep 93 Unidentified Sea Turtle This is the single stamp w/ the turtle from Scott Cayman Islands #666. | |
SC 667 | 30c 30 Sep 93 Cartoon Turtle Se-tenant strip of five different stamps (all 30c). One depicts a cartoon turtle w/ a scarf, on the tail of an airplane. | |
SC 667 a | 30c 30 Sep 93 Cartoon Turtle This is the single stamp w/ the turtle from Scott Cayman Islands #667. | |
SC 667 f | 15 & 30c 30 Sep 93 See * Booklet pane of 10 stamps; Scott Cayman Islands #666a-e & #667a-e. * Unidentified Sea Turtle and Cartoon Turtle on different stamps. | |
SC 677 | 5c 22 Feb 94 Unidentified Sea Turtle Flag w/ large Cayman Coat-of-Arms on it. Turtle is easily visible to the naked eye. | |
SC 693 | 10c 28 Feb 95 Chelonia mydas Three hatchlings. | |
SC 694 | 20c 28 Feb 95 Lepidochelys kempii Rear view of adult. | |
SC 695 | 25c 28 Feb 95 Eretmochelys imbricata Dorsal view of adult. | |
SC 696 | 30c 28 Feb 95 Dermochelys coriacea Head-on view of adult. | |
SC 697 | $1.30 28 Feb 95 Caretta caretta Ventral view of adult. | |
SC 698 | $2.00 28 Feb 95 Lepidochelys olivacea Two adults. | |
SC 698 a | 28 Feb 95 6 Species of Sea Turtles s/s w/ Scott Cayman Is. 693-698. Additional sea turtles in margin of sheet. | |
SC 703 | $2 1995 Cartoon Turtle M/S w/ running tortoise in margin. Issued for Carifta Games. | |
SC 723 | 20c 26 Sep 96 Cartoon Turtle Turtle on tail of airplane (logo w/ red hair and scarf). Formerly listed (incorrectly) as having a 10c denom. | |
SC 724 | 25c 26 Sep 96 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on Coat-of-Arms. | |
SC 727 | 60c 26 Sep 96 Unidentified Sea Turtle Children at Cayman Turtle Farm. Turtles visible in tank. | |
SC 730 | $1.00 26 Sep 96 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on national flag. | |
SC 732 | $4.00 26 Sep 96 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle on Coat-of-Arms. Coat-of-Arms is primary design feature. | |
SC 774 | $2 June 1999 Simplistic Sea Turtle Child's drawing of three fish and a turtle. Inscribed "Vision 2008". | |
SC 802 | 10c 25 Aug 00 Eretmochelys imbricata incorrectly identified as Chelonia mydas Silhouette of turtle swimming to right. From four-value Wildlife Heritage Issue. | |
SC 843 | $1.00 22 Jan 02 Unidentified Sea Turtle American and Cayman Is. flags and Statue of Liberty. Inscribed "In Remembrance, 11th September 2001". Sea turtle on Coat-of-Arms on Cayman flag. | |
SC 848 | Various 06 Feb 02 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S w/ five stamps bearing various photographs of Queen Elizabeth II. Issued to commemorate 50th year of her reign. Sheet inscribed "Golden Jubilee". Common Design type. Turtle on Cayman Coat-of-Arms in lower right selvedge. No turtles on stamps. | |
SC 852 | 30c 09 Mar 02 Cartoon Turtle Snoopy and Boeing 737 aircraft. "Sir Turtle", the cartoon pirate logo of Cayman Airways is shown on the tail of the aircraft. The same stamp is part of a set of six and also appears on Scott Cayman #854a. | |
SC 854 a | Various 09 Mar 02 Cartoon Turtle S/S die cut in shape of a valise and containing six stamps of varying denoms. Turtle is "Sir Turtle" the cartoon logo of Cayman Airways and he appears on the margin of this sheet on a luggage tag and also on one of the stamps on the tail of a Boeing 737. Sheet inscribed "A Fantastic Cayman Vacation". | |
SC 870 | 30c 08 Nov 02 Cartoon Turtle "Sir Turtle" logo on the tail of a B-737 airplane. 50th Anniv. of aviation in the Cayman Is. | |
SC 885 | 15c 24 Jul 03 Chelonia mydas Hatchlings emerging from eggs. Inscribed "Flora & Fauna - Turtle Hatchlings". This stamp is part of a set and also appears on a s/s of twelve stamps. | |
SC 887 | 20c 24 Jul 03 Chelonia mydas Sea turtle in foreground watching Colombus' ship approach. Inscribed "History & Politics - Colombus 1503". This stamp is part of a set and also appears on a s/s of twelve stamps. | |
SC 896 a | Various 24 Jul 03 Chelonia mydas S/S of twelve stamps commemorating the 500th Anniv. of Colombus' arrival at the Cayman Islands. Turtles on two stamps plus one in the margin on large, prominent coat-of-arms. | |
SC 962 | 25c 18 Jul 06 Eretmochelys imbricata Adult swimming right underwater. Inscribed "Hawksbill Turtle". Denomination in lower right corner. From set of five marine life stamps. Stamp w/ white margins. | |
SC 967 | Various 18 Jul 06 Eretmochelys imbricata S/S of five different stamps. Contains one turtle stamp similar to Scott Cayman Islands #962 but w/o white margins. Sheet inscribed "Cayman's Aquatic Treasures | |
SC 967 a | 25c 18 Jul 06 Eretmochelys imbricata Individual stamp from Scott Cayman Islands #967. Similar to Scott Cayman Islands #962 but w/o white margins. From "Cayman's Aquatic Treasures" issue. | |
SC 968 | 25c 18 Jul 06 Eretmochelys imbricata Individual self adhesive stamp from Scott Cayman Islands #968a. Same design as Scott Cayman Islands #962 but the booklet stamps are smaller and the denomination is in the lower left corner instead of the lower right corner. From "Cayman's Aquatic Treasures" issue. | |
SC 968 a | 25c 18 Jul 06 Eretmochelys imbricata Booklet pane of ten identical 25c adhesive stamps, w/ same design as Scott Cayman Islands #962 but booklet stamps are smaller and have denomination in lower left corner. From "Cayman's Aquatic Treasures" issue. | |
SC 1010 | 20c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six 20c greetings stamps. Silhouettes of three sea turtles on one. | |
SC 1010 a | 20c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Palm tree along left margin and silhouettes of three sea turtles in upper right quadrant of stamp. Inscribed "Hello". Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Cayman Islands #1010. | |
SC 1011 | 25c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six 25c greetings stamps. Silhouettes of three sea turtles on one. | |
SC 1011 a | 25c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Palm tree along left margin and silhouettes of three sea turtles in upper right quadrant of stamp. Inscribed "Hello". Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Cayman Islands #1011. | |
SC 1012 | 50c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six 50c greetings stamps. Silhouettes of three sea turtles on one. | |
SC 1012 a | 50c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Palm tree along left margin and silhouettes of three sea turtles in upper right quadrant of stamp. Inscribed "Hello". Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Cayman Islands #1012. | |
SC 1013 | 75c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six 75c greetings stamps. Silhouettes of three sea turtles on one. | |
SC 1013 a | 75c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Palm tree along left margin and silhouettes of three sea turtles in upper right quadrant of stamp. Inscribed "Hello". Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Cayman Islands #1013. | |
SC 1014 | 80c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six 80c greetings stamps. Silhouettes of three sea turtles on one. | |
SC 1014 a | 80c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Palm tree along left margin and silhouettes of three sea turtles in upper right quadrant of stamp. Inscribed "Hello". Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Cayman Islands #1014. | |
SC 1015 | $1 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Sheetlet of six $1 greetings stamps. Silhouettes of three sea turtles on one. | |
SC 1015 a | $1 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Palm tree along left margin and silhouettes of three sea turtles in upper right quadrant of stamp. Inscribed "Hello". Individual stamp w/ turtles from Scott Cayman Islands #1015. | |
SC 1016 | 20c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtles Serpentine die-cut stamp from Scott Cayman Islands #1016a. Stamp same design as SC 1010 but different shape. | |
SC 1016 a | 20c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtle Booklet pane of ten Scott Cayman Islands #1016. | |
20c 05 Feb 08 Unidentified Sea Turtle Booklet cover from Scott Cayman Islands #1016a. | ||
SC 1053 a | Various 23 Sep 09 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of three different stamps, each inscribed "Equality Through Democracy". Large Cayman coat-of-arms in sheet margin w/ turtle readily discernable to the naked eye. Issued for the 50th Anniversary of women's suffrage and the 50th anniversary of the Cayman constitution. | |
SC 1075 | 20c 31 Aug 11 Unidentified Sea Turtle Men in a catboat catching a sea turtle. From set of six stamps highlighting the cultural role of catboats in the Cayman Islands. | |
SC 1107 | 50c 09 Oct 12 Chelonia mydas Head-on view. 2nd value in set of 12. | |
SC 1163 | 75c 2 Dec 15 Cartoon turtle One stamp from set of 4 children's Christmas stamps | |
SC 1205, SC 1206, SC 1208 | Various 17 Aug 18 Sir turtle Three stamps (.25, ,80, 1.50) from set of four issued for the 50th anniversary of Cayman Airlines | |
SC 1211, SC 1211a | $2 19 Oct 18 Stylized sea turtle 60th anniversary of the Cayman coat of arms | |
SC 1219 | 80c 15 Nov 19 Cartoon Turtle One stamp from set of 4 issued for Christmas | |
SG 122 b | 6p 1947 Eretmochelys imbricata Identical to Scott Cayman #107a (SG Cayman #122) except that this stamp is "brownish-olive", while Scott 107a is "olive-green". Perf. 11.5 x 13. Not listed by Scott. | |
SG 318 a | 30c 20 Nov 72 Eretmochelys imbricata This is a "blue omitted" variety of Scott Cayman Islands #305 (SG #318). The omission of the blue color results in the Duke's suit appearing sepia, instead of deep blue, as it does in the normal color variety. | |
SG 875 | 20c 05 Feb 99 Cartoon Turtle Scott Cayman Islands 723 imprinted w/ a small "1999" at the bottom. | |
SG 877 | 60c 05 Feb 99 Unidentified Sea Turtle Scott Cayman Islands 727 imprinted w/ a small "1999" at the bottom. | |
HG FG 20 | 15c Cartoon Turtle Aerogramme w/ small "Sir Turtle" logo on tail of jet airplane. Denom. is on imprinted stamp. | |
HG FG 21 | 20c 1993 Unidentified Sea Turtle Aerogramme w/ turtle's head on stamp and on cachet. All printing on envelope is green. Design on the imprinted stamp is identical to Scott Cayman Islands 666a, but the color and denom. differ. | |
HG FG 22 | 25c 1993 Unidentified Sea Turtle Aerogramme w/ turtle's head on stamp and on cachet. All printing on stamp is pinkish purple. Design on the imprinted stamp is identical to Scott Cayman Islands 666a, but the color and denom. differ. | |
HG FG 23 | 25c 1997 Various Sea Turtles Postal Stationery (Aerogramme) w/ four turtles as follows: (1) turtle on coat-of-arms on stamp, (2) turtle on coat-of-arms on flag on cachet, (3) turtle logo on tail of airplane on cachet, and (4) large picture of turtle on cachet. The stamp printed on this stationery is identical to Scott Cayman Islands 724, except that the stamp on the stationery is slightly larger in both dimensions. | |
10c Chelonia mydas Same as Scott #298 w/ inverted water mark. | ||
40c Chelonia mydas Same as Scott #299 w/ inverted water mark. | ||
Various 11 Nov 11 Booklet cover of Pioneers of Our History issue (SC 1087-1090). No turtles on stamps, just in Coats of Arms on the booklet cover. Booklet footnoted by Scott. |