

SC 543

85f 31 Jan 81 Unidentified Sea Turtle Turtle and crab. Identical to Scott Senegal #545c except for the denomination.

SC 545

125f 31 Jan 81 Unidentified Sea Turtle S/S of four, w/ one stamp that is identical to Senegal #543 except for the denomination. Sheet inscribed "Parcs Nationaux du Senegal".

SC 545 c

125fr 31 Jan 81 Unidentified Sea Turtle Individual stamp depicting a turtle from Scott Senegal #545. Stamp identical to Scott Senegal #543 except for denomination.

SC 915

60f 31 Jan 91 Chelonia mydas Date on stamp is 1990.

SC 1182

Various 13 Nov 95 Geochelone sulcata Se-tenant strip of five animal stamps w/ tortoise on one.

SC 1182 d

275f 13 Nov 95 Geochelone sulcata Single stamp w/ tortoise from Scott Senegal 1182. Genus name misspelled on stamp as "Goechelone".

SC 1413

320f 09 Oct 99 Dermochelys coriacea Large turtle head in foreground, whole turtle on beach, in center of stamp. Inscribed "Tortue Luth" and "Environement Animaux".

SC 1529

360fr 26 Dec 02 Geochelone sulcata Prominent turtle and snake. Ostrich running in background. Inscribed "Faune - Tortue D'Afrique".

SC 1545

400f 16 Jul 03 Chelonia mydas Main design feature is turtle nesting on beach. Also, hatchling emerging from egg in lower left corner and turtle swimming underwater in lower right corner. Inscribed "Faune Marine Du Senegal" and "Varietes Rares".

SC 1719

100F 2014 Unidentified turtle Small turtle on one of two stamps labeled Lacs et Cours D'eau